Today, we went around Ljubljana and starting gathering info in tech-stores such as Apple store, BigBang, Compshop and Techno Market. We were looking around what technologic devices you can find in different price ranges and how they compare. On the market there is a lot of technology that you can buy, some good and quite cheap and some bad and expensive.
We have stopped by in the Apple Store and made a comparison of the latests iPad models.
It is quite obvious that the iPad has progressed and changet a lot since the first generation, which was really heavy, thick and quite slow compared to the newest model, which is light, thin and fast. There are even some differences inside the iPads, like the motion sensors and the Retina Display. Apple designers have also replaced the charging cable and the microchip, while the size and shape stayed different in a few generations.
This year the iPad Air has been released, which has buttons and the back fully in alyminium, while the older versions had plastic buttons. The biggest change is that it is lighter and shaped a bit differently and the most important is the internet LTE 4G.
As you can see, visually, there are no bigger differences. If you have a lot of money and you travel a lot, I would recomend the iPad Air 64GB but for gameing or ither work you can buy  iPad whit Retina display becouse is as powerful as iPad air only  the shape has changed, since I think that it’s the best buy out there. I did not want to compare it to other tech companies like Samsung, I wanted to focus on Apple products.
iPad Air, iPad with Retina Display, iPad Mini with Retina Display and the iPad miny comparison. You can see that there are no bigger differences among the models.